Rabu, 02 September 2009

First aid

First aid was a favor granted by the First Officer / Helper before receiving aid by medics Advanced

Definition of Accident: An incident occurred where the interaction of factors that come suddenly, causing unwanted physical or mental injury

Various Causes of Accidents:
1. Physical Skills factor / Spiritual Fatigue / stress
2. Less Skilled Driving
3. Mastering Less Regulation
4. Lack of discipline / manners Cross Pass
5. Factors Vehicles (Bald Tires, Brakes Blong etc.)
6. Natural factors (rain, fog, etc.)

The purpose gave P3K P3K aims to prevent or reduce the impact of accidents which may result in injury, disability or death

Thus P3K success is determined by
1. Speed the discovery of the victim
2. Helped speed
3. Quality of help given officers

Things to consider before giving aid
1. Control crime scene, if there was no smell of gas should always be aware of the danger of explosion
2. Turn off the flow of electricity to the ignition
3. Stabilisai vehicles, maintain vehicle stability in order not to add a newspaper, especially for rescue

In Vehicle Car Accident Cases should be tried Accessing entered through the door before the other way, "Try before Forcing"

Actions tried:
- Are all doors locked
- Trying to reduce the window from the outside

Action Force:
- Door forced open
- Breaking the glass windows (preferably from the far side of the victim)

Aid to victims trapped:
a. Remove the seat belt: Do not remove seat belts all of a sudden because it can lead to loss of blood clots in the stomach so as to re-bleeding
b. Wedged foot pedals: a pinch is usually shoes, so try to open the first shoes
c. Motorists caught stir: Try first memundurkn stir, if not successful may stirnya type up and down, if still not successful steering can be cut

Introduction: People are not goods, therefore the appointment of people needed a way - a way of

Body mechanics APPOINTMENT AT
The strongest bone in the human body is a long bone and the most powerful of which is the thigh bone, and muscle - the muscle that interact with the bone - the bone is also the strongest. By The lift with the legs not with your back

Guide In Patient Lifting
a. Know your abilities and capabilities of our partners (the load value would be raised when not able to seek help from someone else)
b. The second leg of our shoulder-length apart one foot slightly in front of the other leg.
c. Squatting not bent as you lift

Transfer of patients can be:
a. Emergency
Transfer of patients in a state of emergency may be due to lack of helpers to keep the patient's ability to hazards at the scene for example is the existence of fire hazards, explosion hazards, falling objects and so on. Examples are emergency transfer is to Tarikan clothes: the patient's hands were tied or placed to prevent the hand kecelana up shirt pulled up time

b. Non-Emergency Transfer and appointment made by 2 or 3 people helper

Pengankatan by 3 officers:
- The greatest right is the most
- Helpers are on one side of the victim
- Enter helpful hands down the victim's body, hands went up to the elbows.
- At the same time understood the victim lifted the helper and put together well and then removed using the power of the thigh.

Inspection Breath
can be done by looking at the patient's chest rise and fall, or by feeling the back of his hand Breathing Normal adult: 20 times / minute, respiration normal children: 30 times / min
Nadi pulse examination
a feeling using a two / three fingers on the wrist or the victim's neck vein pulse Normal Adults: 60-80/menit In children: 60-140/menit

Bleeding can be divided into 3, ie

Capillary bleeding
bleeding with blood characteristic that came out just seeping through the pores of the skin, usually occurs on the cut / abrasion.

Bleeding Veins
bleeding with characteristic blood flow out normally occurs in lacerations

Arterial bleeding
bleeding with characteristic blood spurted out in accordance with the heart rate usually occurs in lacerations of the arterial pulse

Among the three most dangerous bleeding was arterial bleeding, if not get help immediately can occur in shock / death.

How to stop bleeding:
- Use a stack of clean cloth and then tie a clean cloth until the bleeding stops ateu get further help.
- Fabrics can be removed if it is too wet and can be replaced with a more dry cloth
- Part of elevated bleeding from the heart lies.
- Send to a hospital. Nearest

Broken Bones
Broken bone / fracture is a condition in which partially or completely cut off from the relationship between bone tissue with one another

Causes of fractures:
- Direct pressure which can fracture bones at the receiving point such as the crunch hit by a car bumper.
- Indirect pressure where pressure can be run from the point of pressure through the body and break a bone anywhere for example on the due terjembab hand that held the body can break the collarbone.
- Diseases such as bone cancer in elderly Calcification so easily broken bones

Types of Broken Bones:
- Broken Bones Open, where fractures are broken bones visible from the outside, or broken bones that appeared to rip the skin surface
- Broken Bones closed: a broken bone in which bone is broken is not visible from the outside

Signs - Signs Broken Bones.
1. Pain at the fracture area
2. Tenderness
3. Krepitasi or the sound of friction
4. Missing limb function
5. Bleeding shape changes, can bleed inside or outside

Aid Broken Bones
- Check the airway
- Overcome haemorrhage when there is
- Apply ice if swelling occurs
- Fixation with splint set
- Send to a hospital. Nearest

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